Is Your Congregation Ready to Explore Accessible to All (A2A)?


The UCCDM encourages all setting of the United Church of Christ to be Accessible to All (A2A)!

New tools are NOW ready to help local congregations determine how accessible their programs and buildings are. (Accessibility is more than a ramp!) This tool is called the Church Building And Program Accessibility Audit. This church accessibility audit can be completed online (Church Building and Program Audit ONLINE). It is also available to be printed as a PDF (UCCDM Church Building and Program Audit 12 pt PDF), LARGE PRINT PDF (UCCDM Church Building and Program Audit 16 pt PDF), Word Document (UCCDM Church Building and Program Audit 12 pt WORD), and LARGE PRINT Word Document (UCCDM Church Building and Program Audit 16 pt WORD).

Once a congregation completes a building and program audit and has identified how to become more (or continue being) inclusive of people with disabilities or/and mental health concerns, the congregation may be ready to become Accessible to All (A2A). To become A2A a congregation completes an A2A Checklist. The checklist was revised in 2016 is available to be completed online (UCCDM A2A Checklist ONLINE)or printed as a PDF (UCCDM A2A Checklist PDF) or in LARGE PRINT (UCCDM A2A Checklist LARGE PRINT PDF).

Congregations that complete the A2A Checklist are added to the A2A Listing!

Widening the Welcome 2015

UCC Disabilities Ministries and UCC Mental Health Network
Contacts: Rev. Alan Johnson, or Rev. Susan Burns,

The United Church of Christ Disabilities Ministries (UCCDM) and the United Church of Christ Mental Health Network (UCCMHN) are happy to announce that the fifth Widening the Welcome: Inclusion for All Conference will be held at the Hartford/Windsor Airport Marriott Hotel on September 24-26, 2015, in Hartford, CT. Registration information, including link to on-line registration is available now here:

Widening the Welcome 2015 Brochure

Widening the Welcome 2015: Inclusion for All will celebrate the theme “Your gates shall always be open; day and night they shall not be shut.” (Isaiah 60: 11 NRSV) with speakers and workshops designed to assist congregations in welcoming and ministering with people with disabilities and/or mental health challenges. Keynote speakers include The Rev. Dr. Christina Jones Davis speaking on “The Journey Towards Inclusion,” and The Rev. Dr. Brett Webb-Mitchell speaking on “Inclusion 2.0: Envisioning What Comes Next.”

Workshops will include “Accessibility and Medical Issues,” “Accommodation and Accessibility in the Local Church,” “Any Body, Everybody, Christ’s Body: An Introduction,” “Breaking the Silence About Mental Illness, Family and Church,” “Caring for Individuals and Communities Affected by Trauma,” “Coming Out of the Basement: Understanding 12-Step Recovery and Seeking a Connection with God,” “Congregations and Suicide Prevention, Intervention, and Postvention,” “Disabilities and Mental Health 101,” “EDAN (Ecumenical Disability Advocacy Network),” Equipping for Effective Ministries with and to the Autism Community,” “A Pastor’s and Congregation’s Viewpoint of Working and Living Toward Inclusion,” “The Spiritual Art of Raising Children with Disabilities,” “Theology and Disability: Considering the Margins,” “WISE Up to Mental Health,” and “W.R.A.P (Wellness Recovery Action Plan.” There will also be special session featuring Valerie Tutson, “Sawubona. YEBO” (A Zulu Greeting), and Jin Hi Kim’s Cross-Cultural Music Meditation.

“Widening the Welcome: Inclusion for All” was termed “a movement within the movement” of the UCC by General Minister Geoffrey Black. UCCDM and UCCMHN welcome all UCC churches and conferences as well as our ecumenical partners seeking to do ministry with persons with disabilities and mental health challenges to send representatives to join us on September 24-26, 2015 for this fifth historic gathering. This is also the first of the four prior national conferences that will be held in the east so as to make it available to people in this region of our country.


For more information and registration visit the WtW web site at: Widening the Welcome Website

WtW is also on Facebook at: Widening the Welcome on Facebook

WtW event site can also be located at:  Widening the Welcome Facebook Event Site

Photos from the 2011 WtW conference can be found at: Photos from the Widening the Welcome Conference 2011

In the News: UCC Congregation Uses Technology to Become Accessible to Persons with Hearing Loss

The UCC News has published an article about First Congregational Church in Madison, Wis. which recently installed T-Coil in the sanctuary. The T-Coil Technology allows those with hearing impairments to better hear the service. It is one step the church is taking toward becoming A2A. Congregation Installs T-Coil for Accessibility for People with Hearing Loss

Access Sunday Resources 2013

The UCCDM is happy to announce new resources to support your celebration of Access Sunday 2013! This year UCCDM is offering a resource that not only provides liturgical pieces for use on Access Sunday 2013, but also includes some exegetical work and look at the lectionary texts from a disability lens. Please take a look and don’t hesitate to contact UCCDM for further assistance.

Access Sunday 2013, Worship Materials Large Print, UCC

Access Sunday 2013, Worship Resources, UCC

Access Sunday is always the second Sunday in October, and marks the start of Disability Awareness Week in the UCC Calendar. It is hoped that Access Sunday 2013 will be followed by Mental Health Sunday on October 20th, for information on, and resources for Mental Health Sunday please visit UCC Mental Health Network

2013 Conference Inclusion Team Grants

For the second year, the United Church of Christ Disabilities Ministries Board and Mental Illness Network are offering grants to UCC Conferences interested in developing Conference Inclusion Teams (CIT).  The main goal of each CIT is to encourage local UCC churches to move toward becoming Accessible to All (A2A) congregations, with the understanding that full accessibility includes persons with mental health challenges (mental illnesses/brain disorders), physical disabilities and developmental disabilities.  Each grant will be for $1,000 to be used to help establish a Conference Inclusion Team.  The five (5) conferences will be chosen from those that complete and submit the attached application on or before+May 15, 2013.  These funds must be used within a year of the approval date.  The grants may be used for development and support of the CIT objectives.  Grant recipients will be expected to report quarterly to the UCC DM on how the grant funds have been used.  These are “one time” grants.

Conference Inclusion Team Grant applications have been emailed to all Conference Ministers, if you need a Conference Inclusion Team Grant Application please contact your Conference Minister or email the UCCDM Secretary at

ACCESS Sunday!

Access Sunday is often celebrated the Second Sunday in October. This coming Sunday, October 14, 2012 is Access Sunday. Resources for celebrating Access Sunday can be found in the “Any Body, Everybody, Christ’s Body” study gude for becoming Acce

ssible to All which can be downloaded from this website for FREE. Click on the A2A tab at the top to be directed to this page or to be dired there click here: Anybody, Everybody, Christ\'s Body