“A2A” Stands For “Accessible to All”.
A2A is the terminology used within the United Church to refer to congregations that have completed the Accessible to All process and thereby made the commitment to be physically and attitudinally welcoming of people with disabilities. The A2A process has for may years been defined by the A2A resource “Any Body, Everybody, Christ’s Body”; the “process” is completed by completing the check list in the back of the A2A resource and sending this checklist to UCC Disabilities Ministries.
Becoming A2A–UCCDM acknowledges that becoming accessible will be different for each congregation, to become fully accessible may require different work for each setting. A2A is as much about becoming attitudinally welcoming to people with disabilities and mental health issues as it is about working to make our buildings physically and programmatically accessible to persons with disability. The A2A process allows for churches to complete the A2A process, even if they are not fully physically accessible provided they have identified changes and created a plan to address those accessibility issues within the coming five years.
- (1) The first step to becoming A2A is reading Any Body, Every Body, Christ’s Body
- (2) The Second step is completing a Church Accessibility Audit, which is available in the following formats:
- Online: Church Building and Program Audit Online
- PDF: UCCDM Church Building and Program Audit PDF
- Large Print PDF: UCCDM Church Building and Program Audit, Large Print PDF
- Word: UCCDM Church Building and Program Audit WORD
- Large Print Word Document: UCCDM Church Building and Program Audit, Large Print WORD
- (3) The Third step to becoming A2A is to complete the A2A Checklist (revised 2016), available in the following formats:
- Online UCCDM A2A Checklist ONLINE
- PDF UCCDM A2A Checklist PDF
- Large Print PDF UCCDM A2A Checklist LARGE PRINT PDF.
Congregations that complete the A2A Checklist are added to the A2A Listing!
To reach the A2A Guide, please visit the A2A Guide.