Talk with Disabilities Inclusion Associates and Teams

Follow Disabilities Inclusion Associates Jacky Schofield and Ann Marino and blog with the team using the comment box below as they develop the Connecticut Conference Disabilities Ministry Team.
Connecticut Conference Disabilities Ministries Team Report
First Quarter 2008


The first meeting of the Disabilities Ministry Team was held on January 29, 2008 at the office of the Connecticut Conference in Hartford.

In attendance were the Disabilities Inclusion Associates and the CT Conference Minister, Rev. Davida Foy Crabtree.

Issues Discussed

1. Reviewed proposed strategy for the introduction of the “Accessible to All” initiative to the local churches in Connecticut.

2. Discussed formation of a ministry team to be based on a community organization model (an initial small core group of 4-6 people charged with planning the A2A introduction strategy). Upon launch of the A2A initiative (Fall Conference Meeting, 2008), the team will be expanded to include regional “ambassadors” who will spread the program to local churches. This group will be diverse in gender, race and disabilities.

3. Developmental Strategy

• The conference minister will alert Regional Ministers about the ministry team and the work that it will be doing.

• Ministry team will begin to recruit additional members for team core.

• Ministry team will attempt to secure printed materials from Disabilities Ministries Board.

• Ministry team will operate a display booth at the Spring Conference Meeting on May 10, 2008.

• Publicize the formation of the ministry team through brief articles in Conference Call and Contact.

• Survey local churches to identify and recognize those that have already begun to accommodate and welcome people with disabilities.

• A short presentation will be planned for the Fall Conference Meeting as a formal “launch” for the A2A program.


Two new members, both clergy, were added to the team.


The ministry team held its first meeting on March 28 in New Haven with three members in attendance.

Issues Discussed

1. Strategy for accessibility survey of local churches.

• Write letters to the regional ministers introducing the ministry team and the accessibility survey, and advising them that we wish to contact the Association moderators.

• Write letters to the Association moderators introducing the team, advising them of the survey and requesting an opportunity to speak at the annual meetings or monthly meetings.

• Create email survey that can be completed and emailed back to team. Ask churches to share what they have done for accessibility so far so that we can celebrate together.

• Visit churches that have done the most.

2. Spring Conference Meeting

• Check about reserving a booth at the conference meeting.

• Copy flyers as handouts: Mental Illness Network Brochure; Pathways to Promise Brochure; Usher’s Guide; “Anybody, Everybody, Christ’s Body” brochure and “The Local Church and the ADA.” Have materials sent to a designated team member’s house.

• Create a poster

The meeting was closed with a plan to meet again on April 25.

Interested readers are invited to view and comment on 41 related articles and comments found at the Networking Category on UCCDM.ORG. Scroll to UCC Conference/Association DIAs and Committees.

Shared by Jacky Schofield, Connecticut Conference DIA
April 1, 2008

Resource Persons: Jacky Schofield is a recent seminary graduate who plans a specialized ministry in disabilities. Ann Marino is a former nurse who worked with adults and children with developmental disabilities as well as other disabilities. Both can be reached through the Connecticut Conference office at 860-233-5564 or