Consult with people who have mobility, sensory, psychiatric, and intellectual disabilities themselves. They are the best source for inclusion information.
Check with a local disability organization such as a Center for Independent Living. They would be happy to answer questions you might have about a location under consideration for a meeting or conference.
Ask which restaurants, entertainment venues, historic sites, etc. offer the best access. Include this information in the meeting/conference packet given to participants.
Learn where and how many wheelchair accessible vans/taxis
are available for use in the city. Check pricing.
Try to imagine the barriers that people with disabilities might encounter at the event. Think through the program and walk through the site. If more than one site is being used, drive or walk the route between sites to make sure that no barriers have been overlooked.
Make sure there is an area on the registration form that allows the person to indicate needed accommodations. When accommodations are requested, the registrant should be contacted to gather more information.