By Mary Beth Nicholson
There was a child named “Jon” in a small country church. He spoke little as he was autistic. However, he watched what went on during worship. Jon was not a “regular kid,” but he had regular feelings. He listened and knew how it feels to be in a loving place.
Jon was little trouble although he was restless and needed to wander around the sanctuary sometimes. His church friends understood. They were not bothered. Some people in the church were bothered, though, when Jon whistled. His whistle jumped into their hearing aids.
They came to understand that this was a bit of joy bursting out from a little boy who seldom felt accepted enough to feel comfortable anywhere. His occasional whistle no longer bothered these people as much. In fact, it told them he was in touch with something far deeper than they had noted.
On Communion Sunday, Jon moved to the front pew. Communion was one of those holy, special times. He found God in the spirit and actions of his minister. One Sunday, he quietly stood with her as she offered the bread and juice to the people. Some were bothered, of course, but others discerned that God had come to the small country church in the form of an unexpected, uneasy but unique gift called Jon and found him no trouble.
From UCC DM Newsletter Archive