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Bylaws of United Church of Christ Disabilities Ministries


As Approved by the UCCDM Board of Directors on OCTOBER 14, 2021

Article I: Name  

  1. The name of this organization shall be the United Church of Christ Disabilities  Ministries Board (hereinafter UCCDM).  

Article II: Vision  

  1. The UCCDM envisions a world in which all people are included in the fullness of  life because they are created in the image of God.  

Article III: Mission  

  1. The mission of UCCDM is to support all settings of the United Church of Christ,  hereafter UCC, including but not limited to Local Congregations, Associations,  Conferences, camps, Historically Underrepresented Groups (HUGs), and national  settings, as they seek to recognize and provide access to people with disabilities  in all aspects of the church’s life and ministry. The scope of this mission will  include, but not be limited to:  
  2. Affirming and claiming as its own the commitments of the UCC to be a  Multiracial, Multicultural, Open and Affirming, Just Peace, and Accessible  to All ministry, recognizing that people with disabilities have a multitude  of other identities, and that all justice movements are interconnected.  
  3. Encouraging all settings of the wider church to be physically, socially, and  virtually accessible to and welcoming of people with disabilities.  
  4. Encouraging and providing guidance to UCC settings as they work to  become Accessible to All (hereafter A2A), and supporting them as they  sustain their commitment.  
  5. Participating in denominational and ecumenical conversations related to  disabilities and working with the UCC national setting and community  partners to promote disability justice through an intersectional framework.
    1. Actions to Achieve Mission
      1.  Encourage Local Churches to be inclusive of people with disabilities, as  well as Open, Affirming, and Accessible in all aspects of church life, including fellowship, worship, education, communication, leadership,  service, and buildings, in order to welcome all people to experience the  love of God and community.
      2. As one of the many Historical Underrepresented Groups (HUGs) within  the UCC, advocate for and with people with disabilities, recognizing the  intersectionality of disability with other HUGs.  
      3. Advocate for and collaborate with ministries that support and care for  people living with disabilities, seniors, and families. 
      4. Develop, support, and highlight the leadership of laity and clergy with  disabilities within all settings of the UCC.  
      5. Encourage an awareness of and the use of inclusive language with  sensitivity to accessibility and disability culture.  
      6. Develop and facilitate conversations and educations opportunities  around the vision of the UCCDM.  
      7. Support the Virginia Kreyer scholarship fund for persons living with  disabilities and mental health diagnoses in preparing for authorized ministry in the UCC.
      8. Promote the Harold Wilke Scholarship and serve on the application  review committee.  

Article IV: The Board of Directors and its Duties  

  1. There shall be a Board of Directors for UCCDM.  
  2. The Board of Directors shall be comprised of at least seven (7) but not more than  twelve (12) directors drawn from the diversity of the UCC, the majority of whom  shall be persons with disabilities, members of families of persons with  disabilities, or experts in the field of disability.  
    1. Directors of the UCCDM Board shall be members of local UCC congregations or their communions.
    2. In addition, the UCCDM Board shall have the following ex-officio directors.
      1. The Chair of the United Church of Christ Mental Health Network (hereinafter UCC MHN), or a designated representative shall be an ex officio director of the UCCDM Board with voice but with no vote. The  purpose of this partnership is to foster a sense of shared goals that can lead to collaboration between UCCDM and UCC MHN as desired or needed.
      2. UCC Minister for Disabilities and Mental Health Justice and consultant(s) of the UCCDM shall be ex-officio directors of the UCCDM  Board, with voice but with no vote.
    3. The Board of Directors shall establish the strategic plan and conduct the  business of UCCDM.  
      1. The business of the Board of Directors shall include presentations by  guest speakers, prepared reports, discussion of relevant topics or events,  approval of minutes, approval of the Treasurer’s report, and any other business. 
      2. The Board of Directors will use these materials, discussions, and presentations to shape and plan the future goals, tasks, and projects of the Board.
    4. Meetings of the UCCDM Board may be conducted face-to-face, by telephone, or electronically. 
      1. The Board of Directors shall meet in person at a minimum biennially. 
        1. In-person meetings may be held in any part of the country, and/or in conjunction with other UCC or UCCDM activities. 
        2. If a UCCDM Board member cannot attend an in-person meeting, he or  she may request to attend by telephone or other electronic means. 
        3. Notice of in-person meetings shall be sent by email or U.S. mail at least  sixty (60) days prior to the start of the meeting.  
      2. The Board of Directors shall meet by telephone or other electronic means  once a month for at least nine (9) months of each calendar year. 
        1. Notice of monthly meetings shall be sent by email or U.S. mail no  later than one (1) week prior to the start of that meeting. 
        2. The Board of Directors may conduct additional meetings as needed. 
        3. Notice of additional meetings shall be sent by email or U.S. mail with  as much notice as possible before the start of the meeting. 
        4. Non-directors and other persons who support the vision, mission, and  actions of the UCCDM may attend any monthly Board meeting. 
        5. Accommodations for Board directors or others who are attending  meetings will be provided with two (2) weeks’ prior notice to the Chair. 
        6. A quorum shall be established at the beginning of every Board meeting. 
          1. A quorum is defined as a simple majority of the voting members of  the UCCDM Board. 
        7. Minutes of all business conducted by the Board shall be kept by the  Secretary of the Board and forwarded to each Board director, UCC  national staff liaison, and other ex-officio directors within two (2) weeks  of each meeting. The minutes shall be approved at the beginning of the  next meeting. 
        8. All meetings of the UCCDM Board be governed by the Robert’s Rules of Order. 
        9. Robert’s Rules of Order may be replaced by consensus model by simple majority vote of the Board. The consensus model may be reinstated for a  particular vote by request.
        10. The Board of Directors may choose to accomplish its goals and tasks  through the use of subcommittees.
          1. A director currently serving on the Board of Directors must act as  chair or co-chair of a subcommittee unless permission is granted to do  otherwise by a vote of the whole Board. 
          2. The chair of a subcommittee shall call all meetings of that  subcommittee.  
          3. The chair of a subcommittee shall appoint a subcommittee member to  take minutes at each meeting.  
            1. The minutes of every subcommittee meeting shall be  forwarded to the Secretary of the Board of Directors at least  one (1) week prior to the next meeting of the Board of Directors.
          4. A subcommittee may invite one or more persons who are not  directors currently serving on the Board to help them accomplish  their project goals or tasks. 
            1. Those non-directors working in a subcommittee shall be  known as Members-at-Large.
            2. Members-at-Large may serve on a subcommittee for the duration of the project goal or task or for a maximum of six (6) years, whichever comes first.
            3. A Member-at-Large may serve on more than one (1) subcommittee only when permission to do so is granted by a vote of the full Board.
            4. A Member-at-Large shall serve on a subcommittee with voice  but no vote.
            5. A Member-at-Large may be invited to attend a meeting of the full Board of Directors, at the Board’s expense, with voice but no vote.
        11. Directors who miss two (2) consecutive monthly board meetings shall be  reviewed for possible replacement by executive council. 
        12. Directors who miss two (2) consecutive in-person meetings shall be  reviewed for possible replacement by executive council. 
        13. Standing subcommittees may include Nominations, Finance, Executive,  A2A & CIT, Marketing & Communications, Advocacy & Education, and  ONA Task Force.  

Article V: Officers and Their Duties  

  1. There shall be four (4) officers of the UCCDM Board: Chair, Vice-Chair (or Co Chairs), Secretary, and Treasurer. These four (4) officers shall constitute the  Executive Committee of the UCCDM Board of Directors.  
  2. The Chair shall:  
    1. Preside at all board meetings  
    2. Appoint other members to specific tasks as needed with the prior approval of  the other Officers  
    3. Serve as spokesperson of UCCDM to the UCCB and Collegium of Officers of  the UCC. Other communications with national staff can come from UCCDM  SubCommittee leaders as appropriate.  
    4. Serve on the Wilke Scholarship Fund Selection Committee as stipulated by  the Chair of the United Church Board (hereinafter UCCB).  
    5. Attend all subcommittee meetings with voice but no vote except on the  subcommittee he or she is assigned to serve; he or she shall have a vote on  his or her assigned subcommittee. 
    6. Serve on the Widening the Welcome Committee and leadership committees  for joint ventures with other UCC organizations.  
    7. Serve or appoint an ex-officio member to the UCC MHN Board of Directors  with voice but no vote. The purpose of this partnership is to foster a sense of  shared goals that can lead to collaboration between UCCDM and UCC MHN as desired or needed. 
    8. The Chair of UCCDM shall be recorded as additional signatory on the UCCDM  bank accounts  
  3. The Vice-Chair shall fulfill the duties of the Chair in the event of their absence.  The Vice Chair will collaborate on division of labor and oversight.  
  4. The Secretary shall: 
    1. Take and keep minutes of all meetings of the Executive Committee and the full Board of Directors.
      1. All minutes shall be maintained in a digital archive accessible to all Board  directors, national liaisons, and Members-at-Large. 
      2. Update the UCCDM website quarterly by posting a summary of UCCDM  meetings and activities.  
    2. Send copies of all Executive Committee, full Board, and subcommittee  minutes by email or U.S. mail to every Board director and national liaison in  accordance with Article IV, Section D above.  
    3. Send notice of meetings in accordance with Article IV, Section D above.  4. Maintain an up-to-date, accurate roster of all UCCDM Board directors and  Members-at-Large.  
    4. This roster shall be distributed to each director currently serving on  the Board, the national liaison, and with the approval of the Executive  Committee, to others who request it.  
  5. The Treasurer shall:  
    1. Maintain all financial records pertinent to the UCCDM Board of Directors. a. These records shall be open for review upon request by any Board director or national liaison.  
    2. Provide a monthly written report of the donations, income, expenditures, and current balances of all funds maintained in the name of UCCDM to every Board director and the national liaison.  
    3. Maintain statements for the Virginia Kreyer Scholarship Fund.
      1.  Write thank you notes to donors for each new donation.
    4. The Board must authorize all expenditures in excess of $1500 prior to Treasurer tendering payment.
    5. Comply with all policies and procedures outlined in the UCC Disabilities Ministries Financial Procedures Manual.
    6. Review and revise the Financial Procedures Manual at least every two years with the Finance Committee for approval by the Full Board of Directors.
    7. Submit to and assist with an internal audit of the UCC Disabilities Ministries Board every two years. The audit will be conducted by a four-member team  consisting of the Vice Chair of the full board, two members of the Finance  Committee (excluding the treasurer), and one additional member of the full  board. A written audit report will be provided to the full board of directors  at the annual meeting of the board. 
    8. The Treasurer will chair the Finance Committee of the Board of Directors. F. The Officers shall have responsibility for acting on behalf of the UCCDM Board  between Board meetings. Any officer that is not fulfilling their duties shall be  relieved of their position.  
  6. Meetings of the Officers shall:  
    1. Take place in person or by telephone or other electronic means at least once  a month.  
    2. Be called by any one of the Officers.  
    3. Minutes of each meeting shall be taken and distributed in accordance with  Article V, Section E, above . 

Article VI: Nominations and Elections  

  1. The UCCDM Board of Directors shall have a Nominating Committee.  1. Members of the Nominating Committee will be the Chair, or, if there are Co Chairs, one of them, plus two other members of the UCCDM Board.  
    1. The Nominating Committee shall provide a slate of individuals they have  selected to serve on the UCCDM Board.  
      1. This slate must be approved by a vote of the full Board before the  nominated individuals can be offered Board positions. 
    2. The Nominating Committee may choose how they wish to select individuals for this slate.
        1. The Nominating Committee will reach out to and encourage people with disabilities in all settings of the UCC or partner communions who are members of a UCC or partner communion to  self-nominate to serve on the UCCDM Board.
        2. The Nominating Committee will seek diverse individuals to serve  on the UCCDM Board in order to reflect the wide diversity of people within the UCC and its partner communions.
        3. The Nominating Committee shall also provide a slate of Officers, chosen from among the voting directors, to put before the full Board for a vote. 
        4. The Nominating Committee shall present candidates to the Board to fill  vacancies within two months of the creation of said vacancies. 
        5. The Nominating Committee shall select a diversity of people with  disabilities to apply to serve on the UCCB. 
          1. The Nominating Committee shall encourage directors of the Board  to self-nominate to serve on the UCCB. 
          2. The Nominating Committee shall encourage a diversity of people with disabilities in all settings of the UCC who are members of a UCC congregation or communion partners to self-nominate to serve on the UCCB.
          3. The Nominating committee shall be responsible for the selection of the  recipients of the UCCDM awards;
            1. for churches & organizations that have demonstrated leadership in accessibility and
            2. individuals who have shown exceptional leadership in disabilities ministries and
            3. as well as the Virginia Kreyer Award.
    3. Directors of the UCCDM Board shall be elected to serve a three (3) year term,  and may serve a maximum of two consecutive three-year (3-year) terms. Former directors of the UCCDM Board may be asked to serve again after they  have been off the Board for a minimum of two years.
      1. All persons elected for a three-year (3-year) term shall begin their term at  the meeting of the UCCDM Board following their election, and end their  term at the corresponding Boarding meeting three (3) years later. The  Nominating Committee may, at the discretion of the director in question, automatically submit the director’s name to the Board for reelection at  the meeting in which said director’s term ends.
    4. Directors are eligible to serve on the Executive Committee after two years on  the board. Officers shall be elected to serve a two (2) year term to serve on  the Executive Committee. They may be elected to a different office in a consecutive term. 
    5. Officers unable to complete their terms shall be replaced by persons  nominated by the Nominating Committee.  
    6. Officers who miss two (2) consecutive meetings without compelling reasons  shall be considered to have resigned their position and are subject to  replacement in accordance with the provisions above concerning vacancies.  

Article VII; Opening and Affirming Covenant 

  1. We, the United Church of Christ Disabilities Ministries (UCCDM)… 
    1. Believe that all people are created in the image of God therefore we: 
        1. Affirm the face of God in all.  
      1. Are intentionally inclusive of people of all sexual orientations, gender  identities and expressions, companionship orientations, age, race, national origin, faith, marital status, family formation, mental or physical ability, and economic, educational, or social status.
      2. Within our ministry, we make a conscious and deliberate decision to  celebrate the Creator’s diversity in every person, including those of queer identities.
    2. Confess the harm done to LGBTQIA+ people in the name of God: 
      1. We challenge theologies, beliefs, and doctrines that oppress or exclude any person from full participation in communities of faith.
    3. Embrace the inclusive love of Jesus Christ: 
      1. We seek to emulate the radical love and affirmation of Jesus, who  called all into discipleship by valuing and nurturing the gifts and graces of people of diverse identities, so that they may participate fully in the life and community of the church and beyond.
    4. Recognize the need for greater understanding of LGBTQIA+ people within  our faith community: 
      1. We seek to shed light on the intersectionality of all forms of  oppression and acknowledge the influence of race, class, gender, and  ability on the lived experience of LGBTQIA+ persons.
      2. We acknowledge that LGBTQIA+ persons are part of our community  of persons with disabilities, and that liberation, inclusion, and acceptance for one group necessitates liberation, inclusion, and acceptance for all.
    5. Look forward to the time when every community of faith: 
      1. recognizes that all persons belong to God,  
      2. allows and encourages LGBTQIA+ people to live out their faith free of  shame and fear, and  
      3. fully welcomes and includes people of all sexual orientations and  gender identities into its life and ministry. 
  2. We encourage and advocate for the full inclusion of LGBTQIA+ persons within  congregations, Associations, Conferences, and other organizational structures, as  well as within the General Synod.
  3. We support the mission of the UCC Coalition for LGBTQIA+ Concerns with our  prayers, words, actions, and gifts.  
  4. Therefore, in accordance with the Calling on UCC Congregations to Covenant as Open and Affirming resolution of the 1985 General Synod, UCCDM is an open and  affirming ministry within the United Church of Christ.  

Article VIII: Amendment of Bylaws  

  1. These bylaws may be amended or repealed at any time, in whole or in part, by two-thirds (2/3) vote of the full Board, provided that the substance of any proposed change is available for review by the directors of the Board at least two (2) weeks before the meeting.  

Article IX: Adoption of Bylaws  

  1. These bylaws shall be in full force and effect immediately upon their adoption by  two-thirds (2/3) vote of the Board. 

Approved October 14, 2021 by the United Church of Christ Disabilities Ministries Board  of Directors  


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