UCC Fellowship of Architects


The UCC Fellowship of Architects is a national gathering of architects and allied professionals who are members of UCC local church congregations. It is a program of Local Church Ministries.

We also welcome the participation of clergy, lay-people, and seminarians who share our interest in the relationships between architecture, theology, and congregational life. Please consider yourself invited to become a part of the UCC Fellowship of Architects if you share these interests!

Since 1988, members of the Fellowship have met to enjoy stimulating lectures and discussion, the fellowship of professional peers, and worship in a variety of inspiring spaces. Members have also traveled together with scholars to experience and study historic and new examples of worship spaces in the middle eastern and European countries of our liturgical and theological roots.

Members of the Fellowship have assisted many local churches across the UCC as they contemplated building programs to support current and future ministries. Several members of the Fellowship collaborated on the design of the Amistad Chapel located at the UCC National
Church House in Cleveland, Ohio and dedicated in 2000. The Fellowship gathers or travels together roughly annually.

Please give us your contact information if you would like to be on our mailing list.

The Mission of the UCC Fellowship of Architects

In service to God and the United Church of Christ we are called to build and renovate spaces for worship, education, and mission that serve the Christian community and transform lives.

  • …to shape spaces for worship where all are

    …to shape spaces that teach God’s story
    and their community’s story;

    …to shape spaces that help prepare us to
    welcome the Spirit;

    …to shape spaces that rehearse us for the
    realm of God;

    …to shape spaces that inspire and propel us
    to live lives of service.

  • What Do We Do?

    We continue to learn, spread the word and build churches.

    CONTINUE TO LEARN: We gather to learn from each other, from guest scholars, theologians and practitioners as well as from the special places we gather in. Each year we will alternate between gatherings some place in the United States and a traveling seminar to a foreign country.

    SPREAD THE WORD: We communicate the insights we have gained and the lessons we have learned to seminaries, architectural schools and UCC church organizations.

    BUILD CHURCHES: We actively pursue and assist one another in getting commissions to design and build places for worship. The making of a place, whether new or renovated, is the culmination of all our efforts. It is also the best way for us to learn and influence others.


    Please give us your contact information if you would like to be on our mailing list.

    Contact Information:
    Violete de Banate
    Local Church Ministries – Church Building and Loan Fund
    700 Prospect Avenue E
    Cleveland OH 44117
    Phone 1-866-822-8224 Ext. 3834 or 216-736-3834
    Fax: 216-736-3818
    Email: debanatv@ucc.org