UCC Goes to the White House

Submitted by Rev. Alan Johnson, UCCDM Board Member, UCC Mental Illness Network Chair, and UCC Mental Health Network Member

Sometime in late May there will be a White House Mental Health Summit and three UCC members have been invited to the White House for this Summit.  Our UCC representatives are Rev. Mike Schuenemeyer, Rev. Craig Rennebohm and Rev. Alan Johnson.  This is the message from the White House.  “We are working on launching a national dialogue on mental health to address the social barriers preventing people from seeking mental health services – particularly the shame, fear, and misperceptions that surround mental illness and mental health services.”  The first decision our UCC team has made is to work on a plan for at least a one-day event, Sunday, Oct 13, 2013 (part of Mental Illness Awareness Week), that will serve as a catalyst to strengthen and build congregational engagement in mental health response.  Please stay tuned about how we, the UCC, can engage our denomination in this national dialogue.

Since May is also Mental Health Month, it is a good time for you to raise awareness about mental health challenges in your congregation.  1 out of 4 American families has a relative who has a mental illness.   This staggering figure comes from the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) which is the largest grassroots organization of people who are affected by mental illness/brain disorders. This figure mostly likely is also true for your church.

We want to point you to one resource which has an already prepared bulletin insert for highlighting Mental Health Month.  MentalHealthMinistries.net.  The director of Mental Health Ministries is the Rev. Susan Gregg Schroeder who is a keynote speaker at our fourth national UCC Widening the Welcome: Inclusion for All, June 27, in Long Beach, CA.  Check out the Conference at wideningthewelcome.com . For more information or to register for the upcoming Conference, click here: Widening the Welcome 2013 Registration Brochure

We have come to believe, “There is no health without mental health.”  Please give some of your attention to the mental health challenges that are being faced your own church members.  If you have any thoughts, ideas, stories, or questions, please email Alan Johnson at revalan2004@comcast.net.  Grace and peace.


Widening the Welcome III

Widening the Welcome III, the third disability ministries conference to be sponsored by UCCDM and the UCC Mental Illness Network will be held at the Holiday Inn, Columbus-Worthington in Columbus, Ohio from November 1-3, 2012.

For full conference information please see the Widening the Welcome Conference website at:

Widening the Welcome Website

Amazing and well known speakers have been scheduled. Continuing Education Credits are being offered for Chaplains. And a wonderful of time of fellowship for ALL is planned. We hope to see you there!

Widening the Welcome II: Join the Movement!

The website is up with all the information for the second Widening the Welcome conference, happening in Columbus Ohio from Sept. 29th to Oct. 1, 2011. Check it out and plan to attend! This event is co-sponsored by the UCC Disabilities Ministries Board and the UCC Mental Illness Network. Visit the website at www.wideningthewelcome.com.