What does the UCCDM Logo Symbolize?
The United Church of Christ Disabilities Ministries (UCCDM) logo is based on the United Church of Christ’s cross and orb logo which is a cross with a bisected circle at the bottom and the crown on top.
To the right of the cross and orb is “UCCDM” in large print-a nod to large print as part of accessibility for persons with visual impairments.
Underneath “UCCDM” is a dash followed by five icons and another dash. The five icons were intentionally chosen by the UCCDM Board of Directors to symbolize various disabilities.
The first icon is a sign language symbol of “I love you” which symbolizes American Sign Language as an aspect of accessibility and inclusion as well as a reminder that God loves persons with disability.
The second icon is a box with no symbol which signifies all known disabilities unable to be included in our logo design due to space limitations, as well as disabilities that do not have a known associated symbol; it is a reminder that God has created more than we can anticipate.
The third icon includes a human head with the brain highlighted this symbolizes disabilities related to the brain including mental health related disabilities, developmental disabilities, and intellectual disabilities. It is a reminder that we are all “fearfully and wonderfully made” (Psalm 139:14).
The fourth icon is the wheelchair Active Symbol of Accessibility. A human figure in a racing wheelchair. This icon was developed by disability activists at “the accessible icon project” for the public domain as a means of challenging traditional ideas of disability. This symbolizes the importance of people with disabilities defining themselves and as a reminder of the UCCDM’s work for disability (social) justice.
The fifth and final icon is the icon for hidden, or invisible, disabilities. You cannot see, or discern, invisible disabilities by looking at individuals who have them. People with invisible disabilities are often marginalized for not appearing “disabled”. This reminds us that only God sees all things. Underneath the icons, the words “United Church of Christ Disabilities Ministries” is spelled out in smaller font.
The logo was developed by the UCCDM Board of Directors in 2016. The UCCDM Logo is for use by the UCCDM Board of Directors and must be used in its entirety without alteration. The logo cannot be otherwise used without written permission from the UCCDM Executive Committee.
A Timeline History of the United Church of Christ Disabilities Ministries:
1977–Virginia Kreyer, an ordained American Baptist Minister, joined the United Church of Christ.
11th Genaral Synod – a resolution that passes. This resolution leads to the creation of the Advisory Committee on the Church and the Handicap.
1979–Advisory Committee on the Church and the Handicap is renamed UCC National Committee on Persons with Handicaps.
1980–Wilke publishes Creating the Caring Congregation. The book is a “penetrating look at what constitutes a truly caring congregation, it includes everything from the way a church building is designed to the spiritual nature of those specific persons who are handicapped, along with details on how all churches and synagogues can become caring congregations.”
1981–UCC National Committee of Persons with Handicaps is renamed UCC National Committee on Persons with Disabilities/Handicaps.
1990–Harold Wilke was present when President Bush signed the Americans with Disabilities Act.
1995–UCC ADA resolution calls for the church at all levels of the church to be morally bound by the spirit of the ADA. In addition, “Accessible to All” is added to the vision statement of the United Church of Christ.
1997–UCC Disabilities Ministries plays an active planning role in designing Amistad Chapel and a Courtyard which is accessible for service animals.
1997–General Synod 21 adopts the Resolution “Affirming government’s role to protect the common good.”
1999–UCC National Committee on Persons with Disabilities/Handicaps goes through one more evolution being known as UCC National Committee on Persons with Disabilities. In 1999 the name was changed to its present name United Church of Christ Disabilities Ministries.
2001–Virginia Kreyer is first recipient of the Virginia Kreyer Lifetime Achievement Award.
2003–Harold Wilke passes on February 26, 2003.
2005–General Synod 25 adopts the Resolution “Called to Wholeness in Christ: Becoming a Church Accessibility to All”.
2007–Virginia Kreyer named Antoinette Brown Woman.
2009–On October 17, 2009 Margaret (Peg) V. Wilke (Harold Wilke’s Wife and Helpmate) passes.
2012–Conference Inclusion Teams (CITs) begin to form.
2013–Virginia Kreyer passes on December 3, 2013.
2015–General Synod 30 adopts the Resolution “Developing Welcoming, Inclusive, Supportive and Engaged Congregations for Mental Health”.
2015–Jeannie Tyler (Former Vice Chair) Awarded Virginia Kreyer Lifetime Achievement Award at General Synod 30.
2017–General Synod 31 adopts the Resolution “Toward Disability Justice: A Call to the Church and Churches”.
2017–Lynda Bigler (Former Chair) Awarded Virginia Kreyer Lifetime Achievement Award at General Synod 31.