NEW SCHOLARSHIP: The Fannie Lou Hamer Scholarship Fund for Disabled Theologians of Color
The United Church of Christ Disabilities Ministries (UCCDM) board is delighted to announce the creation of a new scholarship fund: the Fannie Lou Hamer Scholarship Fund for Disabled Theologians of Color. This endowed scholarship will assist those who identify as people of color with disabilities in pursuing theological study at any level. By creating greater access to theological education, we hope that scholarship recipients will enrich the church through their engagement with disability, race, and theology. Read More Here.
Rev. Virginia Kreyer Endowed Scholarship for Theological Education
The Rev. Virginia Kreyer Endowed Scholarship for Theological Education for Persons with Disabilities Called to Authorized Ministry was created in 2010 by the UCC’s Disabilities Ministries. The Rev. Virginia Kreyer Scholarship is a board-designated fund for persons with disabilities called to authorized ministry. The scholarship fund will help defray the cost of tuition, assistive devices, specialized software, hardware, specialized services, assistants, transportation, and adapted services. Application
The Harold H. Wilke Scholarship
The Harold Wilke Scholarship, established in 1981, honors the life and ministry of the Rev. Dr. Wilke, a devoted minister, disability advocate, and pioneer. Annual scholarships are available to assist gifted persons with disabilities and/or those directly involved in service to persons with disabilities further their education or training. Applicants must be pursuing a degree or educational certification and may be from the United States or other countries. Application