There are opportunities to financially support the work of the United Church of Christ Disabilities Ministries:
If you would like to support the United Church of Christ Disabilities Ministries by making a donation send us an email at uccdisabilitiesministries@gmail.com.
2. The Virginia Kreyer Endowed Scholarship for Theological Education: For Persons with Disabilities Called to Authorized Ministries.
This is the only scholarship designated to support the education of people with disabilities in the United Church of Christ; and the only UCC Scholarship for Theological Education named to memorialize a woman.The UCCDM has reached its original goal of reaching $100,000.00 to endow this scholarship. Donations continue to be accepted. We anticipate making the first award of the Virginia Kreyer Scholarship in 2016.
To make a donation to the Virginia Kreyer Fund, click here. Make sure to list the Kreyer Scholarship as the ministry/program you wish your donation to go to.
3. The Harold H. Wilke Fund for the ongoing program work and special projects of the UCCDM.
This fund was established Rev. Harold Wilke and funded by the sale of his books.
4. The Harold H. Wilke Scholarship
Established in 1981 to honor the work of Harold H. Wilke this Scholarship is available to support the education of persons with disabilities or people who wish to work with persons with disabilities. This fund has been used for persons internationally and was recently opened up to domestic applicants to more broadly serve the UCC family.
To make a donation to the Harold Wilke Scholarship, click here. Please be sure to list Wilke Scholarship as the program/ministry you wish you donation to go towards.
For information in applying for the Wilke or Kreyer Scholarship click here. Applications will be accepted January1-March 1 2024, for the 2022 year.