Dell Award at Synod 2003: Bob and Joyce Dell

First Dell Award Given At General Synod

Bob and Joyce Dell of Sandwich, Illinois, have done more than anyone in the UCC to foster the Mental Illness Network.

Their ten-year effort prompted the Network and Local Church Ministries to begin an award to be given at each General Synod. The award recognizes a UCC member or congregation deserving recognition for outstanding ministry with or for the mentally ill. Named the Dell Award as a permanent recognition of their work, its first recipients were the Dells.

Bob and Joyce began the Network as a response to their family’s situation. Through
his growing up years, their son struggled with many symptoms of what only later was
diagnosed as a serious mental illness. The stigma and lack of information and
understanding prompted Bob to seek out Pathways to Promise, an ecumenical organization providing resources and contacts to the faith community. Further, Bob saw the need for the UCC to have a network of key people working together to educate and advocate within the UCC.

Over the years, his efforts have resulted in numerous displays at many Conference
and Association gatherings and the beginning of a newsletter, which today is part of
That All May Worship and Serve. Reaching almost 600,000 persons, this United Church
News insert brings Bob’s message of help and hope to persons and families who care about someone with anxiety disorders (including panic disorder), bipolar disorder, clinical depression, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and schizophrenia.

From UCC DM Newsletter Archive