Accessible Church Website Pointers

Three resources on web accessibility:

Church website design tips: things to DO

Here are three guidelines for legibility from

Effective Color Contrast

1. Exaggerate lightness differences between foreground and background
colors, and avoid using colors of similar lightness adjacent to one another,
even if they differ in saturation or hue.

2. Choose dark colors with hues from the bottom half of this hue circle
against light colors from the top half of the circle. Avoid contrasting
light colors from the bottom half against dark colors from the top half. The
orientation of this hue circle was chosen to illustrate this point.

3. Avoid contrasting hues from adjacent parts of the hue circle, especially
if the colors do not contrast sharply in lightness.
(from the work of Aries Arditi, PhD, Senior Fellow in Vision Science,
Lighthouse International)