Challenge by Peg Slater

In Romans 12, Paul wrestles with how we relate and work with each other: “Now there are varieties of gifts, but the same Spirit; and there are varieties of service, but the same God.” Paul says what it is to be the body of Christ: “For the body does not consist of one member but of many.” These well known words open more questions for people with disabilities.

If our bodies and minds appear broken or challenged, are we the body of Christ? Do Paul’s words apply to us? Or, are we just “others”– people to whom the real body of Christ must or should minister? We ALL are called to wrestle with these contemporary questions.

As the inclusive ministry coordinator I have found that most people in our churches believe being Accessible to All is a really great thing, IF they can afford an elevator, IF they have people who have accessibility needs, etc.

However, twenty-five years of education have made a difference. Many congregations really wish to be Accessible to All for the sake of being welcoming and inviting to everyone – whatever that takes. I am encouraged and excited with what is currently happening.

Many of our congregations, however, have thought about what being truly accessible really means? If we are truly accessible our “body” will be different, will change.

The Body of Christ will live with brain illness, physical challenges, developmental challenges, wellness, and unwellness. We will not have the same body we once had; especially if those entered an accessible church thought they were invited in to be PART of the Body of Christ, not just ministered to BY the Body of Christ!

Listen again to what Paul tells us: “Now there are varieties of gifts, but the same Spirit, and there are varieties of service, but the same God.”

We are all called to be the Body of Christ. Everyone who enters a congregation, no matter how, is called to be part of the body. Each person who enters brings a gift to be shared. Each gift will be different, change will occur, and the Body of Christ will be the LIVING Christ. How scary and how wonderful! This is Good News, indeed!